"chi/n","money","n","go","Wo\hng Si\nsa\ang, ne/ih Ya/uh chi/n ma?","Mr. Wong, do you have money?"
"ya/uhchi/n","rich, wealthy","sv","","Ne/ih ya/uhchi/n.","You are rich!"
"nga\hnchi/n","dollar","n","go","Le/uhnggo nga\hnchi/n gau m\gau a?","2$, is that enough or not?"
"ho\uh","ten-cent unit","m","","",""
"do\","much, many","sv","","",""
"si/u","little, few","sv","","",""
"di-","(indicates the plural form of the following noun)","p","","",""
"ya-tdi-","a little, a few","n","","",""
"ya/uh(ya-t)di-","some, a little","n","","",""
"bi-ndi-","which (plural)","n","","",""
"ma-n","dollar unit","m","","",""
"ya-tbun","a half","nu","","",""
"se/ung","consider, plan to, wish to, would like to","av","","",""
"maaih","sell, sell for; for sale","fv","","",""
"gam","so","a","","Gam gwai a!?","So expensive?"
"=ge","indicates possessive modificaiton","p","","Le/ih taaita/ai ya/uh le/uhnggo saima-nja/i, daaihge ho/u go\u, saige ho/u leng","Ms. Lee has two children; the older is very tall, the younger very beautiful"